Designing HexaPDF

Iterative Design, Orthogonality and Other Design Tools

by Thomas Leitner a.k.a. gettalong

What is HexaPDF?

hexapdf homepage screenshot

HexaPDF is …

  • a versatile PDF creation and manipulation library for Ruby

  • a standalone application for performing the most common PDF tasks like merging files

  • designed with ease of use and performance in mind

Where does one start when implementing a 756 page specification?

Read the whole spec once,
find the instant gratification parts

Then build iteratively on that base

In case of PDF: Parsing and serializing

Parsing and serializing

  • Relatively easy to do for PDF since the format is ASCII-based
  • Only about 40 pages (I didn’t count the pages of the referenced specs… :-)
  • A PDF mostly consists of objects with a certain data type and some other stuff
  • Pain point: “Invalid” PDFs
  • Instant gratification: We can read and write PDFs!

Handling of “invalid” PDFs

  • Configuration option for how to handle parse errors
  • Try to work around common problems by default
  • Strictly valid output according to PDF specification (and sometimes the Adobe version if things are unclear)

Now that we can parse a PDF -
how do we represent the PDF objects in Ruby?

Native PDF data types

  • Booleans
  • Integers, Floats
  • Strings (in various forms)
  • Names
  • Arrays
  • Dictionaries
  • Streams
  • Null
  • Indirect Objects

Those types look very familiar…

PDF objects are mostly represented
by native Ruby objects

require 'hexapdf'

doc =
info =
info[:Title] = 'This is the PDF document title'
info[:CreationDate] =
doc.catalog[:PageLayout] = :SinglePage
doc.catalog[:NeedsRendering] = true
  • Indirect objects are implemented via HexaPDF::Object which wraps all the information (oid, gen, value, stream) in a separate HexaPDF::PDFData object.

Benefits of using native Ruby objects

  • Low memory usage
  • Optimized implementation in C
  • Easy to work with, no need to learn a new object API
  • HexaPDF::PDFData increases memory usage but provides “convertibility”

Alas, some data types are “special”

  • Dates
  • Binary strings
  • Rectangles

They rely on a base type but use special semantics.

→ Use automatic, behind-the scenes conversion

Automatic conversion of “special” data types

require 'hexapdf'
require 'stringio'

doc =[:CreationDate] =[:UnknownField] =
out =

doc = out)
info =
p[:CreationDate]  # => "D:20180826074144+02'00'"
p info[:CreationDate]             # => 2018-08-26 07:41:44 +0200
p[:CreationDate]  # => 2018-08-26 07:41:44 +0200
p info[:UnknownField]             # => "D:20180826074144+02'00'"

See lib/hexapdf/dictionary_fields.rb and HexaPDF::Dictionary#[]

How does this automatic conversion work?

PDF dictionary types

  • The Dictionary is the basic building block of PDF.
  • Many dictionary objects have a :Type key specifying their type but sometimes the type is only implicitly known through their location.
  • Such types are specified in the PDF spec, haven’t counted but I guess there are more than 100.
  • We can re-wrap the contained HexaPDF::PDFData object in a “throwaway” object based on the type that provides additional functionality
  • By defining the known fields for a PDF type, we can convert on access

Sample PDF type implementation

class HexaPDF::Type::Info < Dictionary

  define_type :XXInfo
  define_field :Title,        type: String, version: '1.1'
  define_field :Author,       type: String
  define_field :Subject,      type: String, version: '1.1'
  define_field :Keywords,     type: String, version: '1.1'
  define_field :Creator,      type: String
  define_field :Producer,     type: String
  define_field :CreationDate, type: PDFDate
  define_field :ModDate,      type: PDFDate
  define_field :Trapped,      type: Symbol, version: '1.3'


HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.type_map'][:XXInfo] =

What else do this special PDF type classes bring us?

Low-level API with convenience API on top

class HexaPDF::Type::PageTreeNode < Dictionary

  define_type :Pages
  define_field :Type,   type: Symbol, required: true, default: type
  define_field :Parent, type: Dictionary, indirect: true
  define_field :Kids,   type: Array, required: true, default: []
  define_field :Count,  type: Integer, required: true, default: 0

  def page_count
  def page(index)
  def insert_page(index, page)
  def add_page(page)
  def delete_page(page)
  def each_page


Auto-Completion/Validation of PDF objects

class HexaPDF::Type::Trailer
  def perform_validation
    unless value[:ID]
      msg = if value[:Encrypt]
              "ID field is required when an Encrypt dictionary is present"
              "ID field should always be set"
      yield(msg, true)

    unless value[:Root]
      yield("A PDF document must have a Catalog dictionary", true)
      value[:Root] = document.add(Type: :Catalog)
      value[:Root].validate {|message, correctable| yield(message, correctable) }

    if value[:Encrypt] && (!document.security_handler ||
      yield("Encryption key doesn't match encryption dictionary", false)

Trade-offs are often worthwhile

  • First iteration of PDF object system didn’t have the HexaPDF::PDFData concept
  • Introduction of the HexaPDF::PDFData object lead to higher memory usage
  • But the prior shown benefits far outweigh the disadvantages

→ Don’t let obvious disadvantages discourage you from trying out new things!

Let’s talk about orthogonality

What is orthogonal design? Why employ it?

  • Orthogonality means designing classes in a way that constrains their influence on other classes
  • Fewer dependencies, less coupling, changes don’t propagate throughout the system
  • Easier testing because less set-up code and mock objects are needed
  • Can often fulfill multiple, maybe unforseen uses

Orthogonal design examples in HexaPDF

  • Parsing and serialization classes

    s =
    p s.serialize(        # => "(D:20180826080743+02'00')"

    → Also used for PDF content streams.

  • PDF filter implementation

    source = HexaPDF::Filter.source_from_string('My String')
    source = HexaPDF::Filter::ASCII85Decode.encoder(source)
    HexaPDF::Filter.string_from_source(source) # => "9mIj[FE2)5B)~>"

    → Also used by the PNG parsing code.

  • Encrypting and decrypting PDFs is a nearly completely tacked-on thing.

Testing gets fast

$ rake test
Run options: --seed 5344

# Running:

.......|SNIP 100s more dots|..............................

Finished in 2.093626s, 885.5449 runs/s, 13857.2973 assertions/s.

1854 runs, 29012 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Coverage report generated. 9032 / 9032 LOC (100%) covered.

Why go through all these troubles?

For an easy to use and Ruby-esque interface!

Ruby-esque API interface

require 'hexapdf'

doc =[:CreationDate] =[:Title] = "My Hello World"
canvas = doc.pages.add.canvas
canvas.font('Helvetica', size: 100)
canvas.text("Hello World!", at: [20, 400])

Does designing in such a way have an influence on performance?

Yes, it does.

Optimized parsing and serialization

HexaPDF vs ? - file size optimization

optimization benchmark

Black HexaPDF, orange pdftk (GCJ), blue QPDF (C++)

Low memory usage

  • Optimized code to avoid unnecessary allocations
  • Lazy loading - only load from PDF what is needed

optimization benchmark

Black HexaPDF, orange pdftk (GCJ), blue QPDF (C++)

Small output files

  • Generate readable (because most of PDF is in ASCII format) but compact output

  • Use best compression available

  • hexapdf optimize produces smaller files than pdftk and qpdf

Optimized text output

HexaPDF vs ? - raw text output

raw text benchmark

Black HexaPDF, orange Prawn

Avoiding work

HexaPDF vs ? - line wrapping

raw text benchmark

Black HexaPDF, orange Prawn, blue reportlab, green tcpdf

Demo time

Code samples and comparisons

  • Raw text benchmark

  • Line wrapping benchmark

  • Image centering and stitching scripts

  • Complex text fitting

Demo time

hexapdf application

  • cmdparse library for command-style interface

  • Merging PDF files (comparison with pdftk)

  • Modifying a PDF file (selecting and optionally rotating pages)

  • Batch execution

Future work

  • Text layout using classes like Paragraph, Table, …

  • AcroForm support

  • Document outlines (i.e. bookmarks)

  • More commands for the CLI

Summary and further information

  • HexaPDF is a complete PDF solution, written in pure Ruby

  • Uses orthogonality, lazy loading and iterative design

  • Designed with ease of use, performance, low memory usage in mind

  • Homepage and documentation at

  • Licensed under the AGPL, commercial licenses available at

Thank You!

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